IEEE CloudNet'23 Workshop

On Intelligent Cloud Continuum
For B5G Services

3 Nov. 2023
New York, USA

The Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Continuum for B5G Services will be held as part of IEEE CloudNet, on November 3 2023, in New York, United States of America.


Paper Submission Deadline:

September 15, 2023

Notification of Acceptance:

September 27, 2023

Camera-Ready Paper Deadline:

September 30, 2023

We look forward to your submissions and participation in the "Intelligent Cloud Continuum for B5G Services" workshop.

Workshop Description

Beyond 5G (B5G) applications and services offer unprecedented opportunities for innovation and progress. Nonetheless, achieving such a vision requires a new breed of intelligent mechanisms, protocols and autonomous architectures capable of truly taking advantage of the entire edge-to-cloud computing spectrum.

In particular, cross-domain scenarios, which include multi-cloud and multi-provider, are mostly comprised of heterogeneous technological domains requiring intelligent, efficient and close coordination among all the parts. Such a federated and collaborative view has been set as the path forward for unlocking the required automation and flexibility and achieving the extreme requirements and constraints of such next generation of applications. In that sense, this workshop intends to cover four key strands:

Cross-domain edge-to-cloud continuum management:

This strand focuses on architectures, mechanisms, protocols, and automated approaches for having and coordinating closed loops across multi-domain scenarios. This includes zero-touch-like strategies for dealing with a heterogeneous edge-to-cloud continuum across multiple domains. This also includes supporting tools for composing and coordinating closed loops spanning several domains.

Cloud continuum for B5G services, applications, and enablers:

This strand focuses on the various services, applications, and enablers allowing the realization of the various Beyond 5G (B5G) applications and services, including complex Internet of Things (IoT) verticals, Mixed Reality, Extended Reality (XR) collaborative applications, next generation of holographic applications, and tactile Internet scenarios. This strand covers B5G services and applications experiments, pilots and evaluation of novel mechanisms and approaches for enabling such scenarios over the cloud continuum.

AI nativeness in cloud-continuum:

This strand focuses on the network and service intelligence. Intelligence can be introduced in network elements or by interacting across network elements. Alternatively, intelligence can be achieved via a dedicated intelligence plane that would deal with selecting AI/ML algorithms and the associated AI/ML life cycle management, e.g., inference and training. Intelligence can be also applied in deciding and orchestrating how to manage, configure and coordinate AI/ML in different parts of the network. This includes formal methods for creating, selecting and applying closed-loops to achieve automation and assist the network management and control in planning, deployment and optimization phases.

Privacy, security, and trust in cross-domain cloud continuum:

This strand focuses on specific privacy, security, and trust challenges, such as cutting-edge proposals and solutions for ensuring privacy, security, and trust targeting cross-domain B5G scenarios running on cloud continuum. This includes formal methods for attesting and establishing trust liaisons in cross-domain scenarios, and novel AI-powered mechanisms for timely responding and addressing incidents such as cyber-attacks or privacy violations in these cloud-continuum scenarios.

The proposed workshop topics specifically target cutting-edge and novel approaches for dealing with the emerging challenges of B5G Services and applications spanning multiple-domain cloud continuum and the intrinsical need to abstract and manage the underlying infrastructure to make those scenarios viable. This is a less explored topic of the leading conference. This workshop will be a platform to discuss the latest advancements in cloud-continuum B5G services and cross-domain computing management.

We welcome high-quality, original, and unpublished submissions on the above strands. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • B5G services, applications (IoT, XR, holographic, and tactile internet scenarios)
  • Enablers, tools and mechanisms for B5G services and applications
  • Cross-domain edge-to-cloud continuum management architectures
  • Cross-domain edge-to-cloud continuum management mechanisms and protocols
  • AI/ML techniques for efficient infrastructure and resource exploitation
  • Native AI and methods for applying closed loops in network and service automation
  • Zero-touch, closed-loops, and closed-loops coordination
  • Cross-domain resources monitoring and indexing
  • Privacy, security, and trust mechanisms for B5G services and applications
  • Privacy, security, and trust mechanisms for cross-domain edge-to-cloud continuum
  • AI/ML techniques for network anomaly detection and mitigation
  • Experiments and deployment insights

Workshop Organizers

Prof. Tarik Taleb

University of Oulu, Finland

Prof. Tarik Taleb is currently a Professor at the University of Oulu, Finland. As an attempt to bridge the gap between academia and industry, Prof. Taleb founded the “IEEE Workshop on Telecommunications Standards: from Research to Standards”, a successful event that got awarded “best workshop award” by IEEE ComSoC. Based on the success of this workshop, Prof. Taleb has also founded and served as the steering committee chair of the IEEE Conf. on Standards for Communications and Networking. Prof. Taleb served as the general chair of the 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference held in Marrakech, Morocco. He was the guest editor in chief of the IEEE JSAC Series on Network Softwarization & Enablers. He was on the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, IEEE Journal on Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, etc. Till Dec. 2016, he served as chair of the Wireless Communications Technical Committee. He served as symposium co-chair of different symposia in ICC and Globecom.
Prof. Luis Cordeiro

OneSource, Portugal

Dr. Luis Cordeiro is the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) and head of the Research Development division at OneSource. He holds an MSc in Communications and Telematics and has actively participated in various European and national research projects since 2004, including the more recently FUDGE-5G, 5G-EPICENTRE, CHARITY, PHOENIX, SNS JU RIGOUROUS projects. He also has led several industry computing and networking deployments, and security certifications processes. He is also an invited Professor at the University of Coimbra, Portugal and has over 50 scientific publications in magazines, book chapters and conference proceedings.
Dr. Konstantinos Samdanis

Lenovo, Germany

Dr. Konstantinos Samdanis is a Standardization Expert at Lenovo, Germany. He is responsible for 5G core architecture, network analytics and AI/ML. He served as a research project manager at Nokia Bell Labs Munich involved in standardization activities on 5G core networks and network management. Konstantinos was a visiting researcher at Aalto University and a principal researcher at Huawei German Research Center Munich, focusing on 5G carrier networks. Previously, he worked for NEC Europe Heidelberg as a senior researcher and a broadband standardization specialist. He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. from Kings College London.
Dr. Kiran Makhijani

Futurewei, USA

Mrs. Kiran Makhijani Kiran Makhijani is Principal Research Scientist at Network Technologies Lab, Futurewei USA. She is responsible for innovations in next-generation network technologies and architecture. Her recent work involves network stack evolution for Industrial IoT enabling OT/IT convergence including other aspects such as decentralization of industrial operations from factory floors to the edge networks. Kiran has contributed to several standards bodies (ETSI, ITU, IETF). Her experience areas cover all things networking such as cloud scale routing, identity-oriented networking, 5G backhaul optimizations and Network Slices. Currently, Kiran is serving as a co-chair of newly formed IETF working group on Stub Network Auto Configuration (SNAC). Ms. Makhijani served as the general chair of the 2018-19 edition of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Networking for Emerging Applications and Technologies and 2020-21 Workshop on New Internetworking Protocols, Architecture and Algorithms (NIPAA).
Prof. Manabu Tsukada

University of Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Namseok Ko is currently a Director leading Mobile Core Network Research Section at Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI). He is also an associate professor at the department of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Science and Technology (UST). He is serving as a Vice-Chair of SG11 and a Rapporteur of Q20 of SG13 in ITU-T. He is also serving as a Vice-Chair of the Technology Committee and the leader of the Network Technology Work Group at 5G Forum Korea. He has participated in various research and development projects including developments of 5G mobile core network technologies since he joined ETRI in 2000. Now he is leading several ongoing projects related to 6G network architecture. His research interests include 5G/6G mobile core network architecture and its enabling technologies, e.g., to support network programmability as well as the convergence of networking and computing.
Dr. Namseok Ko

ETRI, South Korea

Dr. Namseok Ko is currently a Director leading Mobile Core Network Research Section at Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI). He is also an associate professor at the department of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Science and Technology (UST). He is serving as a Vice-Chair of SG11 and a Rapporteur of Q20 of SG13 in ITU-T. He is also serving as a Vice-Chair of the Technology Committee and the leader of the Network Technology Work Group at 5G Forum Korea. He has participated in various research and development projects including developments of 5G mobile core network technologies since he joined ETRI in 2000. Now he is leading several ongoing projects related to 6G network architecture. His research interests include 5G/6G mobile core network architecture and its enabling technologies, e.g., to support network programmability as well as the convergence of networking and computing.

Technical Paper Sessions

Technical Session #1: Supporting services for cloud continuum management

60 minutes

Chair: Namseok Ko, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, South Korea


A Brief Review of Population-based Methods for Task Offloading in Cloud-to-Edge Continuum

Athanasios Chourlias (Harokopio University, Greece); Theodoros Theodoropoulos (Harokopio University of Athens, Greece); John Violos and Aris Leivadeas (École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada); Konstantinos Tserpes (Harokopio University of Athens, Greece); Christos-Kyprianos Zalachoris (Harokopio University, Greece)

Autonomous Choreography of WebAssembly Workloads in the Federated Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum

Piotr Sowiński (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland); Ignacio Lacalle (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain); Rafael Vaño (Universitat Politècnica De València, Spain); Carlos Palau (Politècnica de València, Spain)

Pedestrian-centric Augmented Reality Visualization of Real-time Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics

Yiwei Cheng (The University of Tokyo, Japan); Jin Nakazato (University of Tokyo, Japan); Ehsan Javanmardi and Chia-Ming Chang (The University of Tokyo, Japan); Manabu Tsukada (the University of Tokyo, Japan)

A Multi-stakeholder Cloud-continuum framework for 6G Networks security & service management

Rodrigo Asensio-Garriga, Alejandro Molina Zarca and Antonio Fernando Skarmeta Gomez (University of Murcia, Spain)

Technical Session #2: Cloud native beyond 5G system

60 minutes

Chair: Jin Nakazato, University of Tokyo, Japan


Co-Scheduling of Radio and Computing Resources for Resource-Efficient Latency Guarantee in 6G

Sunghyun Jin, Serae Kim and Kyunghan Lee (Seoul National University, Korea (South))

On design and implementation of a cloud-native B5G mobile core network

Quang Tung Thai and Namseok Ko (ETRI, Korea (South)); Myung-Eun Kim (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea (South))

Decentralized Identity Management for Secure Resource Sharing in O-RAN

Engin Zeydan (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain); Luis Blanco (Centre Tecnològic de les Telecommunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain); Josep Mangues-Bafalluy (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain); Suayb S. Arslan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Quantum Corporation, USA); Yekta Turk (Aselsan, Turkey)

Flexible Composition of 6G Networks atop Cloud Continuum

Slawomir Kuklinski (Orange Polska & Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)

Key Note Speakers

Prof. Antonio F. Skarmeta

University of Murcia

Dr Antonio Skarmeta received the M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Granada and B.S. (Hons.) and the Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Murcia Spain. Since 2009 he is Full Professor at the same department and University. Antonio F. Skarmeta has worked on different research projects in the national and international area in the networking, security and IoT and 5G area. His main interested is in the integration of 5G, security services, identity, IoT and Smart Cities,. He has been the head of the research group ANTS since its creation on 1995. Actually, he is also advisor to the vice-rector of Research of the University of Murcia for International projects and head of the International Research Project Office.

Secure and distributed computing in the Continuum

30 minutes

Abstract: IoT devices and the emergence of 5G in our daily lives are bringing new data- driven and increasingly autonomous scenarios. Next generation networks and the strength of the distributed computing paradigm (edge/cloud) are transforming how services are provisioned, mainly when solutions focus on collaboration and aggregation of resources provided by different entities or organisations, that becomes essential to satisfy the most demanding computation and storage service requirements. However, it also entails challenges such as infrastructure and technologies heterogeneity, which directly impacts infrastructure management and especially security, that usually tends to be relegated to a second place. In this talk we will describe the work carried on several EU project were we use an Intent based/policy-based orchestration paradigm for dealing with heterogeneity, allowing users to request service deployments securely without requiring knowledge about the underlying distributed infrastructure.

Dr. Luis Rosa

OneSource, Portugal

Luis Rosa received the Ph.D. degree in information science and technology from the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, in 2021. He has been involved as a researcher in various European research projects. He has more than ten publications in journals, conferences, and book chapters on those topics. His research interests include edge/cloud computing, networks, security, and critical infrastructure protection.

Cloud For Holography and Augmented Reality - insights on the CHARITY project

30 minutes

Abstract: Advanced media applications enabling immersive communication are becoming ubiquitous in our lives. There is a global trend to adopt virtual solutions, e.g. Virtual Reality or Holography, to support day-to-day business operations, social events, and general lifestyle. The requirements for the computing platform and the underlying network are extreme and not easily achievable with today’s technologies. The CHARITY project has set off to address this challenge and to develop a complete framework that will meet the requirements of such applications. In this talk we will address the work we have been doing towards an intelligent and automated orchestration of next generation applications in multi-domain cloud infrastructure.

Expert Panel

Unleashing the Intelligent Continuum: Cross-Domain Cloud Opportunities

90 minutes

Moderator: Luis Cordeiro, OneSource, Portugal

Abstract: This panel will address various aspects of the next generation of AI-powered edge-to-cloud continuum, including cross-domain continuum management, B5G enablers and applications, the role of AI and emerging security, trust, and privacy challenges.


Dr. Kiran Makhijani

Futurewei, USA

Mrs. Kiran Makhijani Kiran Makhijani is Principal Research Scientist at Network Technologies Lab, Futurewei USA. She is responsible for innovations in next-generation network technologies and architecture. Her recent work involves network stack evolution for Industrial IoT enabling OT/IT convergence including other aspects such as decentralization of industrial operations from factory floors to the edge networks. Kiran has contributed to several standards bodies (ETSI, ITU, IETF). Her experience areas cover all things networking such as cloud scale routing, identity-oriented networking, 5G backhaul optimizations and Network Slices. Currently, Kiran is serving as a co-chair of newly formed IETF working group on Stub Network Auto Configuration (SNAC). Ms. Makhijani served as the general chair of the 2018-19 edition of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Networking for Emerging Applications and Technologies and 2020-21 Workshop on New Internetworking Protocols, Architecture and Algorithms (NIPAA).
Dr. Namseok Ko

ETRI, South Korea

Dr. Namseok Ko is currently a Director leading Mobile Core Network Research Section at Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI). He is also an associate professor at the department of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Science and Technology (UST). He is serving as a Vice-Chair of SG11 and a Rapporteur of Q20 of SG13 in ITU-T. He is also serving as a Vice-Chair of the Technology Committee and the leader of the Network Technology Work Group at 5G Forum Korea. He has participated in various research and development projects including developments of 5G mobile core network technologies since he joined ETRI in 2000. Now he is leading several ongoing projects related to 6G network architecture. His research interests include 5G/6G mobile core network architecture and its enabling technologies, e.g., to support network programmability as well as the convergence of networking and computing.
Prof. Jin Nakazato

University of Tokyo, Japan

Jin Nakazato (Student Member, IEEE) received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from The University of Electro Communications, Japan, in 2014 and 2016, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is currently working with Rakuten Mobile, Inc. His current research interests include multi-access edge computing, cellular networks, and mm-wave communications. He is a Student Member of IEICE. He received the Best Paper Award from the 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2019) in 2019.
Prof. Carlos Palau

Politècnica de València, Spain

Carlos E. Palau (Senior Member, IEEE) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. (Dr.Ing.) degrees in telecommunication engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de València, in 1993 and 1997, respectively. He is currently a Full Professor with the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación, Universitat Politècnica de València. He has over 20 years of experience in ICT research areas in the field of networking. He has collaborated extensively in the research and development of multimedia streaming, security, networking, and wireless communications for government agencies, and defense. He was a Main Researcher with the European Commission of EU-FP6, EU-FP7, and EU-H2020 Programs. He has authored or coauthored over 120 research articles. He is a TPC Member of several IEEE, ACM, and IFIP conferences.
Slawomir Kuklinski

Orange, Poland

In 1994, Sławomir received a PhD with honours from the Warsaw University of Technology, and since then, he has been an assistant professor. His PhD thesis concerned neural networks (now part of AI). For about 20 years, he also worked for Orange Polska as a Research Expert. At the beginning of his career, he was involved in digital signal processing for military (radar systems) and non-military applications (voice compression and recognition). Later, he worked on wireless mesh networks (MANET), VANET (V2X), and SDN. For about 15 years, he has been involved in research concerning autonomic network management and mobile networks. He is working on network slicing, 5G, 6G and autonomic and cognitive techniques applied to network management and control. As a principal investigator, he was involved in more than ten EU-funded projects, including FP6 MIDAS, FP7 4WARD, FP7 EFIPSANS, Celtic COMMUNE (Cognitive Network Management under Uncertainty), 5G!Pagoda, 5G-DRIVE, 5G!Drones, MonB5G and Hexa-X (6G flagship project in Europe). Actually, he is involved in the Hexa-X follow-up project, Hexa-X-II. He has also been engaged in ITU-T standardization concerning future networks (SG13). Slawomir Kukliński has published more than 90 scientific papers, has been a TPC member of many conferences and has given several invited keynotes.

Program Committee Members

  • Dr. Luis Rosa, OneSource, Portugal
  • Prof. Pedro Merino Gomez, Univ. of Malaga, Spain
  • Prof. Antonio Skarmeta, Univ. of Murcia, Spain
  • Dr. Michael Dieudonne, Keysight, Belgium
  • Prof. David Gomez-Barquero, UPV, Spain
  • Dr. Harilaos G. Koumaras, Demokritos, Greece
  • Dr. Andreas Kunz, Lenovo, Germany
  • Prof. Carlos Palau, UPV, Spain
  • Dr. David Artuñedo Guillen, Telefonica, Spain
  • Prof. Fulvio Risso, Polito, Italy
  • Dr. Patrizio Dazzi, Univ. of Pisa, Italy
  • Dr. Fermin calvo, Plexus, Spain
  • Prof. Tarik Taleb, Univ. of Oulu, Finland
  • Dr. Luis Cordeiro, OneSource, Portugal
  • Dr. Konstantinos Samdanis, Lenovo, Germany
  • Dr. Kiran Makhijani, Futurewei, USA
  • Prof. Jin Nakazato, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
  • Prof. Manabu Tsukada, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
  • Dr. Namseok Ko, ETRI, South Korea
  • Prof. Kyunghan Lee, Seoul National Univ., South Korea
  • Prof. Paulo Simoes, Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal
  • Prof. Rui Aguiar, Univ. of Aveiro, Portugal
  • Prof. Soh Masuko, Shibaura Inst. of Tech., Japan
  • Dr. Rudraksh Shrivastava, SHARP Labs, USA
  • Dr. Vincenzo Sciancalepore, NEC Labs, Germany
  • Dr. Zarrar Yousaf, NEC Labs, Germany
  • Prof. George C. Alexandropoulos, Univ. of Athens, Greece

Technically Sponsored by:

EUCharity, EU AerOS, EU 6GSandbox, EU RIGOUROUS and 6GFlagship.